Why Choose Us
Why Choose
Hilmuc Africa Ltd

Hilmuc Africa Limited is a One Stop Shop for Commercial Capability Solutions aimed at enhancing Sales Revenue for Blue-chip Companies and SMEs across Africa. We offer the following Professional Business Services: Training and Coaching, Recruitment and On-boarding, Commercial Consulting, Market/Product Activation and Route to market support.
We are certified by the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) Ref.No. NITA/TRN/1114
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+254 725 052 221
our testimonial
What employers say about
Hilmuc Africa

I am amazed by the way the management of this company grooms the employees and helps them become better at their job. I have not been the same since I started working here. I have grown so much and I owe it all to Hilmuc AfricaLtd.
Hildah Nderi
- Adviser
The coaching and mentoring opportunities the company has exposed me to have been invaluable and priceless. It’s such an honor to be a beneficiary partner to this great company – Hilmuc Africa. I promise to continually give my best to my employer from skills learnt from Hilmuc Africa specialists.
Hildah W.
- CEO of HR
Hilmuc Africa Ltd responded quickly to questions and work with thanks for picking the most expert employee’s for our company. Hilmuc Africa is the best in staff training, Head hunting, revenue optimization among others..